Birth and Extinction of Dinosaurs, a scientific art book, illustrated by ZHAO Chuang and written by YANG Yang, was officially published in French and Italian in September 2022. As original works of PNSO, the French and Italian editions of Birth and Extinction of Dinosaurs were authorized to Nuinui Publishing to publish through the Copyright Agency of China LTD.
Birth and Extinction of Dinosaurs comes from the PNSO Children’s Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs series. All works in this series are part of the research results of “Darwin: An Art Project of Life Science” of “PNSO’s Scientific Art Projects Plan: Stories on Earth”. Mr. ZHAO Chuang, PNSO’s scientific artist, strictly follows available scientific evidence throughout his creation, by building his artistic framework based on fossils and scientific data. He restored skeletons, models, and the ecological environment from fossils, to make these both scientifically rigorous and artistically creative. Based on the latest dinosaur research, Ms. YANG Yang, the science writer for children, vividly depicts the magnificent world of life.
When were the dinosaurs born? How did they develop? And why did they become extinct? Is the theory of “dinosaurs were not extinct” supported by any scientific evidence? According to the way of thinking of asking questions, looking for evidence, and solving problems, the PNSO Children’s Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs series will explore with the children, help them find answers, and solve their various and strange questions.
The Chinese PNSO Children’s Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs series has been published by GUOMAI and Shangdong Pictorial Publishing House in 2021.